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Acceptable Items: 

Clean newsprint Glass Bottles and Jars
Newspaper inserts / Magazines Aluminum / Tin Containers
Copy paper / Office Paper Steal & Bi Metals Containers
Paperback books Cleaned Metal Food Containers
Hardcover books w/out covers Cleaned Metal Beverage Containers
Catalogs / Phone books Metal Lids to Containers
Envelopes / File folders Empty Aerosol Cans
Greeting cards Plastic Containers #1 through #7
Non-metallic Gift Wrap PETE Containers w/ narrow necks
Corrugate cardboard Boxes  HDPE Natural Containers (Milk)
Brown paper grocery bags  HDPE Color Containers
Cereal Boxes Plastic #3 - #7 w/ narrow screw tops
Non-wax food containers Detergent / Shampoo Containers
Tissue boxes / Shoeboxes Margarine / Yogurt Containers
Clean corrugated pizza boxes 
Corrugated egg cartons


Non-Acceptable Items:

Newspaper in Plastic Bags Syringes and Needles
Shredded paper Full Aerosol Cans and Caps
Tissue Paper / Toilet paper Glue Containers / Paint cans
Waxed items Thermometers / Batteries
Frozen food boxes / Residue Wood / Toys
Milk and juice containers Aluminum Foil / Pie Plates
Styrofoam / Plastic egg cartons Cooking Pots and Pans
Photographs Flatware / Tools / Piping
Recyclables Tied into Bundles Vases / Ceramics / Mugs / China
Packaging Material Pyrex / Light Bulbs / Mirrors
Chemicals (Pool, Auto, …)  Window Glass / Eye Glasses
Pesticide Containers Beer balls / Garbage Cans
Medical Devices Cellophane / Food Trays
Any Plastic w/out #1 through # 7 Computers / Bowling balls
Garden Hose / Flower pots