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Commingled material is a mixed collection of plastics, metals, and glass containers. The days of separating glass by colors, plastics by number, and metals by type, are in the past. Modern technology allows the separation to be done at our processing facility. For additional information click on " Commingled "

Single Stream 

Single stream is the collection of all recyclable materials in one container. Newspaper, office paper, cardboard, metals, plastics, and glass no longer have to be separated for pickup. Through the process of single stream recycling, recycling is less of a time consuming hassle, which has an end result of less reusable material ending up in landfills. This process of recycling is not in effect in every town; Please check with your town to see if they are a participant. For additional information click on " Single Stream"

Old Corrugated Material (OCC)

Corrugated Cardboard is a strong, resourceful packaging material (boxes) that is universally accepted for recovery and recycling. Post consumer corrugated packaging material is generally referred to as “cardboard” and by the industry as Old Corrugated Cardboard (OCC). Cardboard can be accepted loose or baled and is typically recovered from mixed fiber streams from businesses and community curbside programs.         

Old Newspaper (ONP)

Old News Print consists of all newspaper material (including the Sunday paper inserts) and is universally accepted for recovery and recycling.  What is generally referred to as “newspaper” by the consumer, is considered Old News Print (ONP) by the industry.  Newspaper can be accepted loose, bundled, or baled and is typically recovered from mixed fiber streams from businesses and community curbside program.

Sorted Office Paper (SOP)

Office Paper is a combination of white paper commonly used in the everyday office environment.  Consisting of used office documents, that can be whole or shredded, the industry refers to it as Sorted Office Paper (SOP).  Sorted Office Paper can be collected at a small scale for minor business, or at a larger scale where one needs years of office filing purged.  


